Yep!!! I got the first one done! And it went really well. I
wanted to run this race for 2 reasons.
1. It’s a great race with lots of support.
2 2. It gave me a chance to visit a good of friend of
mine who lives in Baton Rouge where the race take place.
It started out just my daughter and I going together. Then my wife decided to join us. I was really
glad to hear this news because she is my biggest supporter in my quest to run
my 12 half marathons. In fact, she is the one who takes most of my pictures
during trainings and races. She’s simply THE BEST!
Now, all was in place. I know I'm not trained for a 2 hour
finish yet. So, I didn't have the added pressure of a goal time during this
race. This allowed me to let loose and have more fun than usual during the
race. I used it as a training run rather than another race, which proved to be
As a heart patient, I try to keep my diet as natural as
possible. Now, I don't claim to eat 100% & clean. I don’t follow any specific diet plan. No
Atkins. No Palio. None of that. I mean,
COME ON!!! I’m human!!! And I admit that I sometimes indulge in the occasional
Fast food burger. God Bless Whataburger!! But, I keep these indulgences to a
very minimum because of the saturated fats in them that contribute heavily to
heart disease….Just me being real here…
But, I was looking for some alternatives to the chemical
laced energy gels and other products like it out there that I’m not comfortable
using while running. So, I found some alternatives online that are a little
less chemicals in them. MARSHMALLOWS!!! I used Marshmallows on the run! Since I
settled into the run as “just another training run” I felt comfortable toying
around with my nutrition on the run. And the marshmallows delivered exactly
what I needed. I popped a few every time I passed an even numbered mile marker
along the race route and it worked beautifully.
I also toyed around my hydration. Using a race as a training
run makes this easy to do since there are water stations along the race. So, I
started thinking about my VO2Max. I wonder if there is any way to increase my
VO2Max? Hmmm….
For years I drank green tea sitting at my desk in an office
job I remember it helping me get rid of that groggy feeling in the afternoons.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and other key nutrients that help the
process of getting oxygen to your body where it may be needed. “I wonder if this includes muscle tissue?.” I
asked myself. I made a batch at home before leaving to drive to Baton Rouge and
put in my hydrations bottles. I sweetened it with honey (more energy providing
carbs) and off we went the next morning.

We arrived in Baton Rouge in just enough time to pick up my
race packet the evening before at the expo. We stopped & snapped a couple
of pictures along the way (Thanks Deb!), and then went to our friend’s house
for a nice evening with a gourmet pasta dinner and good conversation. And, as a
bonus, our two friends have decided to join me for my last half marathon of the
year at the Rock & Roll Half in San Antonio in December. Awesome!!! I love
to inspire people to get out 7 get fit!
The next morning, I go through all the checks.
Clothes –
Bib - Check
Tomtom watch – Check
Pre- Race Protein bar – Check
American Flag – Check.
Go!! Jason (my friend in Baton Rouge) decides he wants to be the one to take me
in the wee hours of the morning to feed off of the atmosphere and get him kick
started to train for the race in December.
But, as with most big races the traffic was horrendous. So, we agreed it
would be best if he just drip me off near the starting line.
Off I go! I get several steps away from his truck when I
realize I left the flag in the backseat of Jason’s truck. I looked back to see
if he might be within sight. But, he was already gone with the traffic. So, I
resolved quickly to run without the flag. I figured it would just make it so I
could really get a feel for how the marshmallows and green tea work.
The race corral was packed, as you can imagine. I waited for
my wave start to approach and off I went. I had my team RWB shirt on underneath
my heart shirt in a show of support that only I knew at the start of the race.
As I approached mile marker 3, I almost took a spill on a
bump in the road. It caused me to trip and lose my cadence but, I never went
down in spite of dramatic stumbling that entertained those around me. One guy patted me on the back as he ran past
me say, “Awesome recovery man!”. I was
still a bit embarrassed even if I didn't hit the pavement.
The marshmallows and green tea were working great and I was
feeling strong. Stronger than I've ever felt during a long run, let alone
during a race. I was drinking my green tea when I felt the need and popping
those marshmallows every even mile marker, it was great!
Then…The WALL! At mile 10, it happened. I slowed down and
was feeling “That Feeling” you know the one. Where your legs are jello and
still manage to scream through the pectin. I managed to keep running as I
reached into my run belt to grab some more marshmallows. But, found that I was
out. A miscalculation on my part had left me with no more energy resources to
reach for. Now, all I have left is my 4oz of remaining green tea. “Let’s make
it work!” I told myself as I kept running.
Mile 11 a couple approached me from my left hand side asking
if they could take a picture of me and my heart shirt next to the 11 mile
marker as inspiration for a friend of theirs who recently had heart surgery. I
happily agreed to do so and proceeded to run with this couple for the next
quarter mile of so until they sped up and ran ahead with a pleasant goodbye as
they did so.
Afterward, I took off the heart shirt to reveal my Team RWB
shirt and tucked my heart shirt in the back of my run belt so as to display the
message but hang just behind my legs as I ran, then started the fellow RWB
members cheering me on. I checked my Tomtom to find that I’m now averaging a
10:31 pace, which normal for me. My heart rate is low though. I’m hovering
around 160 bpm when I would normally be around 165 or 170 bpm at my current
pace. At that point I knew the green tea was working.
I made it over “The Wall” and got my second wind (somehow). But,
not only did I get my second wind, now I feel great! I’ve can feel an abundance
of endorphins kicking in. By the time I made to mile marker 12, I was rocking
to my music and long striding to finish out the race. But I as I approached
mile marker 25 where the full marathon and the half marathon routes came back
together, I felt compelled to stop and have a bit of silly fun taking my
picture next to the 25 mile marker as if to be running the full marathon. I was
just me, acting silly. Which is a first for me during a race, I must add. I got my silly picture and hit my stride again
speeding (I’m using this word loosely) toward finishing my first half of the

Man!!! I felt great! My playlist was timed really well
because right about the last half mile the song “Happy” from Pharrell Williams
started playing. This is one of my favorite running songs and the timing
couldn't be better. I DID feel happy. I’ve found a new energy source for my
races, I found my suspicion in the green tea to be sound, and my Tomtom
confirms it without having to wear the irritating strap that rubs on the scar
from my surgery. The race is already a success and I’m still looking at the 13
mile marker up ahead of me. Awesome!!
As usual, my wonderful wife and daughter are there at the
finish line videotaping me as I cross the finish line. Of course, because I
didn't know where they were all they got was the footage of me checking &
stopping my Tomtom as I crossed the finish line. Ha! What did I find when I
looked? That even though I took time for a couple of photos and struggled to
get over “The Wall”, I had still made normal finishing in 2:18. As, my friend
Lee told me, “Consider that a win!”
Of course, you can't finish The Louisiana Half Marathon and NOT take advantage of all the tasty free food. The tag on my bib entitles me to 10 delicious samples of good cajun ole cajun cooking. Things like your traditional Gumbo, & Jambalaya. To more swampy edgy dishes like Gator Chili. I loved them all! Naturally! I've always loved cajun food! Oh yes! The 3rd reason I wanted to run this race. Haha!!!
As my family and I roamed around the lawn where all the vendor were gathered, I noticed a tent that said, "Cardiovascular Institute of the South". I couldn't resist the idea of walking over to the ladies that were tending and turn around to show them my shirt. After the few seconds it took for them to read, one of them asked for a picture of my shirt. I told her we could trade favors. I'd pose for her picture if she would pose for a picture with me as my wife serves as photographer. My wife quickly obliged and we made new friends right there.
Now, if I could only remember how to upload the video here.
Remember folks,
Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily