
Monday, January 5, 2015

Newbie Mistakes / Failure is always an option

So here I sit, 5 days into 2015 reflecting on the Dallas Half Marathon and my running goals for the New Year and it makes me want to share all I have learned as a result of my failed attempt at a 2 hour finish at the Dallas Half.

First off, seek the advice of those more experienced runners. Don't be afraid to ask questions of those who are open to answering any. And those of us plugged into an organized running group already know that fellow runners (most of them anyway) are always willing to share with those of us who have recently taken up running as a lifestyle. There is a plethora of knowledge that they can share with us to train properly to achieve our goals in a healthy manner. We just have to be willing to ask. 

I've been running with several people who are more experienced and knowledgeable than I but was afraid to ask any advice other than the very obvious or superficial questions. I should have been bold enough to ask the more involved questions like those about proper nutrition before & after a race, the right way to taper before a major distance race, or how correctly use a pace plan when trying to hit a certain finish time. The last of these subjects is where I should have asked more questions. A pace plan should be used along the way in your training for a certain finish time. In my case, a 2 hour finish time for a half marathon. But being the newbie who doesn't ask enough questions, I fell short of my goal in the Dallas Half Marathon. I had an official finish time of 2:17, a new PR for me by a full minute, but not what I was aiming for obviously. 

Over the holidays I found myself watching an episode of Mythbusters and Adam Savage who is one of the scientists on the show said, "Failure is always an option". You can even find T-shirts online touting this phrase. It's a scientific way of looking at things. YES!! I'm a bit of a science geek (though I don't show it often). But, failure IS always an option, whether you acknowledge it or not. It IS an option. Not the option you are aiming for but always an option be default. It's an option because of the information you can gain from failure. In my case, I gained information from my more experienced running buddy Lee that a pace plan should something you train around and implement long before the race you want to achieve said pace in. I also learned in my failure that I am not a quitter. I didn't get immediately pissed off. I didn't hang my head in shame. I DID share with Lee through text messages that I was disappointed. But, I didn't get down on myself. In fact, I will use this new knowledge to press on and get my 2 hour finish this year.

Speaking of this year, I have new running goals. I hope you have some fitness goals as well and work hard to achieve so that you can feel the complete satisfaction that comes from the blood, sweat, and tears that go into achieving your goals. It's an awesome feeling!!! As for my 2015 running goals?? I want to finish 12 half marathons in 12 months. And one of those will be a 2 hour finish. MARK MY WORDS!! And hold me to them folks! If I accomplish this goal 12 halves in 12 months then I will qualify to join the Half Fanatics Club at the Saturn level.

It's gonna be a great year in 2015!! With my plans for 12 half marathon and my very first triathlon in March, I'm really excited!! I have so much to be thankful for and the rest of my life to continue learning. As my PawPaw used to tell me as I was growing up, "Son, if you're not learning; you're not living". Wise words from one of the smartest men I'll ever meet.

Happy New Year Folks!
and remember...
Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily.

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