That's right! Not just another Thanksgiving. It's another year of things to be thankful for. It's funny. Life has changed in so many ways for me since the surgery. I don't really stop to take inventory as much as I should of all the things I have to be thankful for. But then, I'm sure I'm not the only one guilty of this oversight. As cliche as it may sound, Thanksgiving really IS a time to reflect with those you love. Be they your immediate family, or friends of a few decades you can gather around the table and partake in your favorite part of the Thanksgiving experience. For me, there is long list of things to be thankful for. I have a wonderful wife, my daughter is continuing to grow into a young lady who has a very caring and loving heart. My mom continues to support and encourage me in my endeavors. I have some of the best friends I could ask for. God continues to cover me in his protection in spite of myself. And all these I've mentioned, never lost hope when my biggest fears came about in April 2012. My wife is rock solid and has such a strong love for me that I can literally feel it in my bones and in my spirit. My daughter has made me proud on so many occasions that I can't dare to list them all. My Mom has gone out of her way to help contribute in the past in any way she can. And my friends have stood by me when I was trying to recover from the emotional scars that I was left with after the surgery.
Why am I rambling on this way? It's simple. I have a lot to be thankful for. When I sit at the Thanksgiving table this year, I will give thanks for all of these people and the second chance that I've been given. I almost squandered this life away by not caring for myself. Now, I'm out to recover some of that equity that I might have cost myself.
Let me encourage you to do the same. We're not promised our next breath folks. At any point and time life could change for you drastically. Or end all together. It's like a poem I posted on my facebook wall a few days ago...
The clock of life is wound but once- -
And no one has the power
To know just when the hands will stop
At late or early hour
Now is the only time you have,
So live - strive - toll with will.
So live - strive - toll with will.
Place no faith in tomorrow,
For the hands may then be still.
For the hands may then be still.
Live this life on purpose; with purpose. Enjoy the Turkey, the stuffing, the gravy, the pumpkin pie. Just remember it's a gift not to be over indulged upon. While I was trying to win a Biggest Loser challenge at work in 2007, I lost 60 lbs in 6 months by simply not going back for 2nd's or 3rd's or 4th's (yes, I used to eat 4 helpings) and I started walking the stairs to the 12 th floor rather than using the elevator. I would do this 4 times a day. Walking up the stairs in the morning, then taking the elevator down stairs during my morning break and walking the stairs back up. Then again during lunch and once again during my afternoon break. And to top it all off, I'd take the stairs down at the end of the day. But, that's straying off subject a bit.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday with friends and family kick back and relax. It's one day. Just don't over do it when it comes to the awesome foods being served. At least this is the mantra I tell myself. Come the next day, it's go time!!
And just to send us all off with a chuckle here is a Thanksgiving poem....
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!
Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily
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