
Monday, March 16, 2015

Legs Cramps Hurt Like "Hill" - The Longview Half has plenty of them

Who knew?? I certainly had no idea that Longview Texas had so many hills. And what's funny is the fact that I'm well acquainted with Longview since I go there often for work. But, driving around those rolling hills never dawned on me. Add to this fact that I was not eating properly leading up to the race. Right down to the night before when I ate Fajitas at a local mexican food restaurant there in Longview. The only redeeming thing that comes to mind as I sit down to type this is that fact that I train on hills regularly.

But, the hills of Longview caught me off guard completely. None steep, mind you, Just bunches and bunches of rolling hills. One right after the other. In preparation for other races, I've often looks at elevation charts for the coarse. But, I didn't bother to do that with this race since I had convinced myself that the course would be pretty flat. I mean, it's East Texas right? How many hills can that have compared to Rockwall? A saying comes to mind...
What happens when you assume? We all know the answer. But in the situation I was the only one affected by my assumption.

I had chosen to run this one for my friends in Team RWB and for all our nations veterans. So, i packed my Team RWB shirt and Old Glory along with all my other running gear and my wife and daughter joined me for the trip to Longview, Tx. I have a good friend of mine who lives in Longview on a beautiful piece of property with a cabin that he allows me to use from time to time. I came in very handy this time around. It's very quaint and peaceful there and reminds me very much of our property here at home. It was nice to have some quality time together as the three of us enjoyed feeding the catfish and listening to the birds singing. Rather than have to stay in some stuffy hotel room that way it usually goes when you travel to a race.

The next morning we all go up early to get to the race since the start time is 7:30am. In typical John Gillespie fashion, I forgot something in that car as Debbie dripped me off in the parking lot with a kiss. I had to call her so that I could retrieve my bottles of green tea from the trunk and take off the jacket that I was still wearing when I got out of the car. After causing my self stress (and Debbie mind you), I ran back to the starting line. As I unrolled Old Glory, I was approached by a guy who said, "I'm glad to see someone still carries the colors I fought for. Thanks for doing so." He showed me his Marine Corp tattoo and put out his hand to shake. I shook his hand an told him he is one of the reasons why I run for Team RWB.

Just as the Marine Corp Vet and I were talking, I was approached by one of the race volunteers and told that they had forgotten to bring a flag and asked if I would hold the flag for The Star Spangled Banner. "Of course! That's an honor!", I said. After a resounding chorus, we were off and running.

I told myself I had no time goals for this race. But, then I've told myself this before. And as I get out on the course I start competing with myself again. I maintained a 10:15 pace up until the 6 mile mark. But, then the biggest hill on the course took me out with a vengeance. I went from 10:15 to 12:30 in less than 5 minutes. And it was all downhill from there (or uphill, as it would seem).  Until, I embreaced it. Then, the fun began!

I had lots of people honking as I ran along US 259 on the north end of town showing their appreciation for Old Glory as she waved along behind me while I struggled to catch up to my 10:15 avg goal. But, it wasn't happening. Round about mile marker 10 I came across a young guy who was walking along the far left hand side of the course. I figured maybe he could use a little encouragement so I ran up beside him and introduced myself. He said his name is Christopher and he is just getting back into running after a long hiatus. I could tell he was struggling by the way he was breathing. I thought about how I feel when I'm struggling like this. And the last thing I want at that point is to try and carry on a conversation. So, I just silently walked with him only answering his questions, which were few. Eventually, he regained himself. Looked at me and said, "Thanks! Good luck to ya!" as he started running again. I took a couple of deep breaths and took off as well. Eventually passing the young man and wishing him well as I did so.

As I passed the 12.5 mile point I got a cramp in my calf that I'm convinced would have taken down a thoroughbred horse for sure. My right toes pointed to the ground and literally had to put the balls of my feet against the curb and push my toes back up to cross the finish line that was only six tenths of a mile away. UGH!! I've had cramps in my calf before. But, this one left an impression that I'm still dealing with 2 days later. Time to call up my extremely talented wife/massage therapist. I wish I weren't so had headed sometimes. I'm sure she could've fixed it by now.

As I limped toward the finish line, I could see a lady that had passed me on a couple of occasions out on the course. I was fully impressed because this lady had to be every bit of 65 of older and she was running strong. But, now she was limping just as I. I came around the last corner of the high school track where the finish line resides and a slowed down to check on her. She said he hip had started hurting in a serious way and she didn't it in her to run any further. So, I told her I would like to finish with her if she was ok with that. She, tired to encourage me to go on. But, I told her I'd be honored if she would allow me to walk across the finish line with her. Her husband standing there at the finish line gave her the nod and we held hands as we walked under the RunON finish line arch. It was a very gratifying feeling to encourage someone who can inspire the way that this lady had been doing for the whole race. The only thing missing?? Pictures! Debbie had misunderstood me when I told her I would be crossing the finish line around 9:45 or 10:00am. She and Faith were still in the car at this point driving back toward the stadium where it all finished. Oh Well.

I finished the race in 2:30:14 right at 10am. Though, I forgot to stop my TomTom, again and recorded my own time of 2:31:10. And I'm still limping this morning as I recover.

Time to go see my massage therapist! Not everyone has their own in house. And this one is the best looking therapist around. But, I may be biased.

Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily

Monday, March 2, 2015

Running in the Frozen Tundra / Should I buy some snow shoes?

Alright!!!..Ok!...I'm exaggerating. But, The Cowtown Marathon was almost cancelled altogether due to the ice and snow that moved through the area last week. But, the organizers did a very good job of making the right calls at all the right times. The conditions left behind by Friday's snowstorm were not safe to run in, let alone driving to get there.

And I feel really bad for some of the volunteers that were working the booths here and there dealing with frustrated people who were taking their frustrations out on those innocent volunteers. VOLUNTEERS FOLKS!!! That means that aren't even getting paid to listen to you complain and make threats. YES!! I'm talking to all those people who were screaming at people (both online and in person) that were merely trying to assist as much as possible even though they had no control over the decisions made by the organizers to cancel some of the races that were ruined by the storm. I was shocked at one particular individual who actually made threats of legal action toward one of the volunteers as I was standing in line behind him. I felt bad for the poor girl who had to listen to this guy go on & on screaming at the top of his lungs about how they would be hearing from his legal counsel. The lack of understanding was causing a blemish on the runner's society from my point of view. And the young girl was horrified at how she was being talked to as her manager had to step in take over the situation. He just stomped away looking like a very self centered and self absorbed individual, who made it a point to tell folks how he drove here this morning just to tell The Cowtown Marathon how mad he is and what kind of trouble he is going to cause for them. Very sad.

But for me, I was very pleased with the decisions of the organizers in spite of losing the opportunity to run the 10K with Old Glory for Team RWB. I can see why they made the decision that they did and I think they did a very good job of salvaging what they could of a bad situation without compromising safety for all involved. Good Folks! It's part of why The Cowtown is my favorite race.

I had told myself that I was going to beat my finish time from last year. I finish Cowtown Half last year in 2 hrs 28 min. I also told myself that I would NOT walk no matter what. I made my green tea that night before the half (the only race that was salvageable after the snow & ice) and had it in my hydration belt along with my marshmallows. I had it all together even though I wasn't sure that the half marathon would still be ran as I watched the news that evening. But, I staged it all for a quick and quite get away for Sunday morning.

I made the decision after looking outside at 4am, to go ahead and run the race. I ran into a little ice on the bridges in Fort Worth, but nothing I couldn't handle. I grabbed a bathroom stall in the men's room and made my "Superman" change into my running regalia. I even had time to spare to walk around what was left of the Exp and take in the sights.

I even got to spend some time with a friend from high school as we were staged in the stage corral fro the start. Sharon and I were on the Gymnastics team together in HighSchool. Yes! I was on the Gymnastics team! I even went to State Finals one year. I was also a cheerleader for those who are laughing right now. Go ahead and get it all out now. As a matter of fact, Sharon was on the cheerleading team as well. She might have even been captain (if I recall correctly). Hats off to Sharon she just finished running The Dopey Challenge with Disney and still made it Cowtown for the half. Good Job Sharon! Tell your husband I said hello.
Time for a quick selfie and OFF WE GO!!!

There was still some ice along the course though it was reduced to slush along the streets in Trinity Park and there was the occasional frozen obstacle here and there. But, it wasn't anything that even the most freshman of runners couldn't hop over. I had my play list going. It was 32 degrees with a light mist/rain. The kid of conditions that most runner feel miserable standing still but once you get past that first mile or two it feels great. The kind of weather where personal records get broken.

And that's exactly what happened. Not only did I beat my previous time at cowntown, I made a new P.R. of 2 Hrs 17Min 2Sec. Beating my previous P.R. of 2:17:29 by the full 27 seconds. And in my mind every second counts. 

I didn't waste any time getting back inside the convention center after crossing the finish line. I got my free thermal blanket and moved on to get my free food. Banana here; yogourt there. I drank a 12oz bottle of muscle mile in one giant gulp. I went to get my finishers shirt and caught up with a friend of mine and made a new running friend in the process. Congratulations on your finish of 1:55 Matt Petty. Hard work paying off for you buddy.
After a couple of Miller Lites as we all cooled down. we all decided to make our way home. I thought about stretching in the parking lot next to my car but it was entirely too cold for such nonsense. So, I got inside and took a selfie instead. 
Here's to another Half Marathon in the books. The 3rd in my quest to run 12 Half's this year. It was cold, It was touch & go. It was wet and drury. But, it was worth it. Thanks Cowtown!! A class act in the running world!

Remember Folks.
Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily