
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Never let it be said that rest doesn't have it's rightful place in a training program.

Anyone who knows me knows the transition I went through during and after my bypass surgery. This one time lover of the heat who used to say that anything below 60 degrees is freezing now swears that the devil plays in temps of 85 degrees and higher. This is just an example of several of the polar differences between the pre- surgery John and the post-surgery John.

But, this difference has played a key part in difference between my training in the past versus how I trained this summer. The post surgery John CAN'T STAND THE HEAT!!! I HATE IT!! And even getting up at 4:15 in the morning to avoid running in the heat your still running in temps of 80 to 85. The only advantage is that there is no sunlight to zap the energy from my body like it does. So, all summer long I've only been running 10 miles a week running 5 miles at 5am on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week. Sometimes with my friends at Rockwall Running club sometimes with my awesome wife and sometimes just by myself. There might have been a week or two here and there where I got in 15 miles as I help Debbie reach for here goal of a half marathon. But suffice it to say, I've gotten plenty of rest this summer as I spent most of the summer working on projects around the 5 acre property we have flexing my home improvement muscles.

 It's now August 26th. School has started back in most of North Texas and the temps aren't miserable anymore. I went for a 5 miler yesterday and surprised myself with interval times of 8:00 and 7:15. I was pretty happy what that to say the least. This morning I went for a 10 miler and managed to keep an even 10:00 pace for the entire 10 miles. I've never done that before!!! My fastest half marathon pace is 10:27 when I PR's The Cowtown half back in February of this year. Had I finished out the other 3.1 miles this morning (and I could have easily done so) I would have set a new half marathon PR for myself of 2:10 or so. I'm still in disbelief even as I type this just hours after completing the run! And the only thing I can attribute the improvement to is rest. I maintained all summer without loosing my conditioning for the long run. But, got more rest than I have in a long time. My legs feel really strong and agile. I continue to have my Massage Therapist/Wife work on my legs on a regular basis and tried not to go completely berserk when it comes to all those pool parties we were invited to over the summer and the great potluck dishes that are normally served. And let's not forget the alcohol. Again, anyone who knows me knows my love of beer. I even agreed to wake up at oh my God;30 in the morning one day because a running friend promised to have some cold beer on ice when we finished our 5 miles. Thanks Soky!!!...THAT'S how much I like beer!! And don't get me started on rum or someone will end up on the pool.

But, I tired to keep some (stress some) moderation on my alcohol consumption over the summer. And I like to think that has played to my advantage as well. Now, hopefully the temps will stay out the red zone and allow me to keep training toward that 2 hour half marathon finish.

Happiness is a Choice; Make it Daily